Sequence Stratigraphy Links

CHRONOS (Greek: time)
Site provides a dynamic, interactive and time-calibrated framework for Earth system history based at Iowa State University, and built under direction of Bruce Wardlaw (USGS), Cinzia Cervato & Doug Fils (Iowa State University), and James Ogg (Purdue University).

Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS)
Access to computer modelers of sedimentary systems and processes and their software. Under the direction of Professor James P.M. Syvitski of the University of Colorado, the CSDMS site links to modeling efforts underway across the world and provide a links for you to join their various Working Groups or Focus Research Groups.

Experiments with Slow and Rapid Base-level Changes in an Experimental Subsiding Basin
Paul Heller's home page that links to sedimentary videos, and experimental basinasin modeling. Illustrates very interesting sequenceequence stratigraphic studies with figures and movies.

Online lectures on Sequence Stratigraphy (German English mix)
Lecture outlines from  the University of Stuttgart with a variety of simulation outputs and virtual field trips, etc assembled by Hartmut Seyfried

Teaching Documents for Stratigraphy and Historical Geology
Klaus-Peter Kelber has assembled materials on including lecture outlines, with a variety of simulation outputs, virtual field trips and links to other sites including those for Paleobotanists.
University of Georgia Stratigraphy Lab: An Online Guide to Sequence Stratigraphy
This s, and going through the following topics: Parasequences, Stacking Patterns, Sequences, Surfaces sequence="" stratigraphy<="" span="">, chronostratigraphy, carbonate systems specifics, and finally s, you can find them here.

More General Gateways but Leads to
sequence stratigraphy

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
If you are reading this, you know what AAPG is! Click on the highlighted Bulletin if you need access to this on line or on Gateways if you need links to other geoweb resources.

American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, Inc. (AASP)
Official site of AASP. You can browse the AASP newsletter here.

American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG)

Provide geology news items and services to AIPG members.

Geological Society of America (GSA)
Access the on-line version of GSA Bulletin and Geology, purchase GSA publications, and review GSA year-round sections meetings.

International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS)
This site gives access to publications, meetings and members of this society which promotes international co-operation between sedimentary geologists.
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