When you have finished this exercise you will be able to:
- Correlate wells using Spontaneous Potential and Resistivity well logs with a greater vertical spread of the La Pascua Section than in Exercises 1, 2 and 3 and close the loop with more wells than in Exercise 4.
- Subdivide the sedimentary section characterized by the well logs on the basis of the prominent correlatable surfaces (TS, mfs and SB) you can identify.
- Using these surfaces identify the parasequences within the sedimentary section characterized by the well logs and interpret the history of their evolving depositional settings.
- Describe the role of relative sea level in forming the resulting depositional settings utilizing the report on the geologic setting of the La Pascua Formation, the introduction to the sequence stratigraphy of the La Pascua Formation and the eustatic chart.
The illustrative data to be used for the exercise have been saved either in .pdf, .gif format or .jpg format. These maps and cross-sections can be viewed on electronic media that include PC, Notebook, Tablet, or Pad and interpreted with Power Point. The Power Point drawing tools, in particular curve, are an effective and easy way to handle the objectives of the exercise and a means for collective viewing of results in class. Click on red box for more details. The output can be printed on a large frame plotter and interpreted by hand. These exercise illustrations are quite large (up to 500K in some cases) and they may take a little time to be displayed. Patience will be rewarded!!!!
- The clickable map below is linked to a pdf file which locates the wells of the three cross sections of this exercise: namely a North-South Dip line and two strike lines a Northern Strike Line and a Southern Strike Line.
- Use the Spontaneous Potential and Resistivity logs displayed on the North South Dip Line
As an alternative this map can also be viewed by clicking on the link to a large .jpg file |
As an alternative this cross section can also be viewed as a large .gif file by clicking on the North-South Dip line |
As an alternative this cross section can also be viewed as a large .jpg file by clicking on the North Eastern Section |
As an alternative this cross section can also be viewed as a large .gif file by clicking on the North Western Section |
As an alternative this cross section can also be viewed as a large .gif file by clicking on the South Eastern Section |
As an alternative this cross section can also be viewed as a large .gif file by clicking on the South Western Section |
- You can also view and/or print a smaller version of these files by using your visualization software to shrink the images to fit your printer.
- A report describing the high-frequency (fourth-order cycles) sequence stratigraphy and regional geology of this region is provided in the geologic setting of the La Pascua Formation, the introduction to the sequence stratigraphy of the La Pascua Formation and the eustatic chart.
- A set of maps of previously interpreted wells is also provided to enable the construction of sand thickness isopachs for each of the intervals. Please refer to the basemap for the location of all the wells.
Utilize the Gulf Coast slip-slide method to help you match the log sections and identify the same geologic events on the various wells.
Technique tying well logs to interpret clastic sedimentation on coast with valley incision. |
Click on links above to view YouTube and QuickTime movies of the output of the identification of log character to correlated and interpret the logs. The best way to view the YouTube movie frames is to first click on the pause symbol on the control bar and then use the mouse to grab the thumb (red circle) on the red seekbar (this tracks the progress of the movie) and move the thumb back and forth to chosen frames and so gain a better understanding of the evolving sedimentary geometries.
In contrast the best way to view the QuickTime movies is to control their motion using the arrow keys on your keyboard the left arrow will step the film back and the right arrow will step it forward
- Normally radioactive peaks on Gamma Ray Logs, associated with mfs, are more extensive and often represent better correlatable surfaces but Gamma Ray Logs were not available for much of the Guarico Sub Basin. For this reason you should use geologic logic to infer the location of the maximum flooding surface (mfs) and correlate these on all the well logs.
- Make a cross-section first correlating the shales for all the wells and then correlating the sands.
- Pick base of massive sands and correlate these from well to well when they occur on other logs in other wells.
- Identify the sequence boundaries (SB) at base of the massive sands and correlate these from well to well.
- Identify all system tracts, including the incised valley, on all well logs.
- For each parasequence (bounded by mfs's) estimate and record the net sand (in feet).
- Correlations should be made across the entire area delineated by all the cross sections.
- Tie the stratigraphic dip and two stratigraphic strike sections and build a the correlation framework for the E-logs. These correlations have been tied into existing biostratigraphic and palynologic markers to bracket the age of the intervals and help interpret the depositional setting of the sediments and the frequency of their cyclicity.
- Click on the thumbnial below to view the movie that tracks an interpretation of the character of the sedimentary fill of the Guarico Basin during the deposition of the La Pascua Formation.
Well logs reveal evolving clastic sequence with valley incision subdivided into systems tracts. |
Click on links above to view YouTube and QuickTime movies of the output of the movie capturing the 3D perspective of the interpretation of the depositional setting from the well logs.
The best way to view the YouTube movie frames is to first click on the pause symbol on the control bar and then use the mouse to grab the thumb (red circle) on the red seekbar (this tracks the progress of the movie) and move the thumb back and forth to chosen frames and so gain a better understanding of the evolving sedimentary geometries.
In contrast the best way to view the QuickTime movies is to control their motion using the arrow keys on your keyboard, the left arrow will step the film back and the right arrow will step it forward.
Provide an overall analysis that describes your conclusions.
As with the earlier four exercises (Exercise 1, Exercise 2, Exercise 3 and Exercise 4) to help with your interpretation of the well logs you should read the earlier sections related to the geologic setting of the La Pascua Formation and the introduction to the sequence stratigraphy of the La Pascua Formation. From these you will gain knowledge of the depositional setting of these rocks. You should combine the techniques outlined above with your understanding of the regional geology and the vertical and lateral facies relationships in near shore clastic settings (eg. shoreline, beach, stacked beaches, tidal flats, deltas) and Walther's Law. You should use these to build a depositional model and a sequence stratigraphic interpretation of the well log section.