Holocene Tepees
Gallery of diagrams and photographs of Holocene examples of tepees that were largely created by Christopher Kendall. Some diagrams and photographs have been copied from others, including Nasa, it is intended that these be ascribed to their authors. Your are refered to the following references to help with the page.
References on Tepees
l977 Assereto, Riccardo L.A.M, and C.G.St.C.Kendall, Nature, origin and classification of peritidal tepee structures and related breccias: Sedimentology v. 24, p. l53 2l0.
l97l Assereto, Riccardo L., and C.G.St.C.Kendall, Megapolygons in Ladinian limestones of Triassic of Southern Alps: evidence of deformation by penecontemperaneous desiccation and cementation: J. Sediment Petrol., v. 4l, p. 7l5 723.